Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Words from the 4th

Yes, that's right, this is the fourth guy on the crew making a late appearance on our blogspot. Being this late in the "game", I don't feel like there's much to say that hasn't already been said. Personally this has been a horribly successful trip who's end is all too near, however we all knew returning to the real world was an inevitability. In these final days aboard, I continuously wonder about how this trip has or will change me and/or my life. I don't feel like much has changed thus far; I've always felt confident in my skills and mental state of mind to take something like this on. Despite those facts, I would have to say remaining patient has been one of my biggest challenges. Sure, you have to understand that you're in an ever changing environment that is rarely going to cater to your wants and needs, but you are also in a very small, controlled environment aboard a 37 foot boat. Yeah, an unfortunate wind shift or light air might set you back on your ETA by a few hours or a day, but if your not on the same page as your fellow crew members, those hours or that day could seem a lot longer. I know we have all made "Compromises" and sacrifices when it has come to doing what's best for the boat and the crew; such things as taking an undesirable watch without complaint, cooking in a cramped galley only to be stuck there even longer to do the evenings dishes, keeping a tight lip when one recommends something you strongly disagree with, and as you can surely imagine, the list could expand exponentially! But, we've conquered the threshold and are now down to our last couple of days, and even if no one wants to admit it, down to our last couple of nerves as well! I hope you've enjoyed this small insight into our even smaller world on the Pacific Ocean. See you all portside!!

The Fourth Crew

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